Author: Ryan McCoskrie
Founder of the Hurunui Tech Club
Creator of Vicinitude
President of the Leithfield Public Library
A Libertarian Software Foundation?
An idea has been bouncing around in my head for a while now. An organisation that gives guidelines on what software advances freedom for individuals and grass-root communities. Of course the Free Software Foundation already exist but they have a rather different notion of freedom to libertarians like myself plus they have always been rather… Continue reading A Libertarian Software Foundation?
Introducing the Hurunui Index
Some months ago I started a website for listing local clubs and charities in my corner of New Zealand. The site is at Admittedly, we at the Tech Club need to organise another burst of activity, getting contacting organisations and promoting the Index as a whole.
Announcing the Marginalise Ruby gem
As part of a much larger project I have made a simple gem for automatically realigning strings to an arbitrary right hand margin. require “marginalise” puts “This is a long string for the sake of testing the marginalise gem”.marginalise(10) This is a long string for the sake of testing the marginalise gem The full code… Continue reading Announcing the Marginalise Ruby gem
KDE ideas – A better browser
The first thing I have to do when I log into KDE is move Firefox windows to the activities they ought to be in. One to Programming, another to Writing, Administration, Internet, etcetera. KDE deserves a browser that takes advantage of activities and other features of the Plasma Desktop. Activity awareness The browser would have… Continue reading KDE ideas – A better browser
I have just discovered a script that figures out what you just got wrong at the Linux/BSD/Mac command line and generates the correct command. It is called fuck.
Its home, complete with documentation is
Free Will and Determinism
The following essay is on a matter that has been bothering me for some time but that the main texts on it are a long way down in my reading lists. I just want to get my two-cents out in case I get hit by a bus or otherwise become incapable of writing. Every so… Continue reading Free Will and Determinism
Left wing is a misleading term
Before I start I would like to make three things clear: My criticism of the phrase “left-wing” is not an endorsement of right wing groups. Nor is it an accusation of deliberate deceit. I renamed this article repeatedly and am still not happy with it. While I acknowledge that societies politics are often divided into… Continue reading Left wing is a misleading term
Vimperator for Firefox Part 2
Welcome back to my tutorial on Vimperator. In this section I will give an introduction to the command line and some pointers on configuration. If you enjoy this post or believe reading was a waste of time please tell me why below. Remember this tutorial assumes familiarity with vi and also that you have read… Continue reading Vimperator for Firefox Part 2
Vimperator interface for Firefox Part 1.5
I know last time I promised to cover the command line mode and configuration files. That article is drafted and but I realised I neglected a few commands in my previous article which I will cover in this. If you haven’t read my previous article please do so now. CTRL+o Go back one page. CTRL+i… Continue reading Vimperator interface for Firefox Part 1.5